Today saw the launch of our report looking at the potential to develop wildlife tourism across East Yorkshire. This has been a fascinating study to undertake, combining my established consultancy skills with my re-emerging academic research capabilities. It also gave me the chance to visit some wonderful sites around the area including the little-known but fabulous Yorkshire Water reserve at Tophill Low (their new hide is pictured above) and the well-known and also fabulous Spurn Point where I was able to climb to the top of the abandoned lighthouse (picture below shows my three research assistants on this project - Vasu, Teju and Jayesh - at the top of the lighthouse).
As for the study findings - with a fair wind, some signficant capital investment and some innovative and co-ordinated marketing by the main players (VHEY, YWT, Yorkshire Water, RSPB and East Riding Council), I reckon that over the next ten years we could treble the value of wildlife tourism to the area's economy to a state where it can support more than 500 jobs. That won't replace all the jobs lost in this recession, but it will make a difference in some of the more remote villages and towns of Holderness and the surrounding area. The only downside is that I will have to share the area's rich and wonderful natural heritage with many more people!