Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Back to school!

I have spent the last three days back in the classroom, starting my own part-time course of study. I have been encouraged by my Faculty to start a Post-Grad Certificate in Higher Education, with the expectation that over the next year I will learn things that will enhance the quality of teaching I (and colleagues) offer our MSc Responsible Tourism Management students at ICRT, Leeds Met.

Forget the year - already I've picked up a number of tips and ideas that I propose to use in the coming weeks - tomorrow at the Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium, next weekend at Dunhuang Academy in China and in early October in workshops with my former colleagues at the Supreme Commission for Tourism and Antiquities in Saudi Arabia.

I guess like many of us I am wedded to PowerPoint, and a presentation this morning gave me some comfort that it is possible to talk to people without the comfort of four or five bullet points on a screen behind you. And who would have thought that Post-its had so many uses!

As I get into the course, I will of course be reading about, thinking about and discussing with colleagues a wide range of issues surrounding the delivery of higher education. I will of course share pearls of wisdom as and when appropriate, but only when I've submitted my essays!