Friday, 12 March 2010

Illuminating Hadrian's Wall

Am about to head off to Northumberland to view this major public art event/ celebration of the Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site ( I quote from the website:
Illuminating Hadrian’s Wall will create a spectacular line of light from coast to coast. This once in a lifetime event will take place on Saturday 13 March 2010 and will follow the route of the 84 mile long Hadrian’s Wall Path National Trail. Around 500 individual points of light placed at 250 metre intervals will be used to light up the Wall. The first one will be illuminated at a public event at Segedunum Roman Fort at Wallsend in the North East, with the line of light then making its way along the Wall to Bowness-on-Solway in Cumbria over the following hour. As it reaches Carlisle there will be a second public event ‘Welcoming the Light’ to celebrate the light’s arrival and passing through.
Illuminating Hadrian’s Wall aims to capture the imagination and highlight the immense scale and beauty of Hadrian’s Wall and the countryside, villages, towns and cities that it passes through. 2010 is also the 1600th anniversary of the end of Roman Britain in AD410 – one of the greatest turning points in our history. So as well as celebrating a truly iconic piece of world heritage the line of light will help to mark this hugely significant anniversary.
Why am I interested? I grew up close to the Wall - it was a favourite location for family outings and also school trips. And I have invested a lot of time as a consultant working with many different stakeholders across the area helping them to develop a more responsible approach to tourism development. So I have a personal and professional interest in seeing the event. But even more importantly, it gives me a great opportunity to celebrate my 50th birthday not just with my wife and my parents but with thousands of others! And they are lighting 500 candles for me!

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Crystal Creek Meadows wins QANTAS award

Crystal Creek Meadows in Kangaroo Valley, Australia, managed by one of our MSc students, has just won the QANTAS Award of excellence in Sustainable Tourism at the national awards held on Friday 26th February 2010 in Hobart.

Last year’s winners were SkyRail, a large attraction in Queensland. This year the entries included the Hilton in Adelaide (a good example of EMS in an old hotel), the Crown Plaza in Alice Springs (good example of million dollar investment into solar power), sustainable actions by two activities providers (in Tasmania and Western Australia) and Alto Hotel in Melbourne (offering free parking for guests using electric or hybrid cars). The judges this year found the decision difficult and could not agree on a single winner as the marks were identical for one very large and one small family business. So for the first time in the history of the awards in any category they declared Crystal Creek Meadows and SkyRail joint winners.

QANTAS uses the awards to make a contribution to tourism by; running a sustainability seminar in each state, offering $2,000 prize to the state winners and then writing them up for their in flight magazine (February edition) and generously giving $25,000 to the national winner, who then appear on the in flight video on all flights. The in flight magazine devotes editorial to the subject of sustainability. The awards are determined on the basis of a 30 page submission and a site visit.

View Crystal Creek Meadows here:

List of finalists are here:

Responsible Tourism in Poland

I recently gave an interview to Rzeczpospolita online, the e-version of one of Poland’s leading daily newspapers. Journalist Anna Bugajska was keen to learn more about responsible tourism, what it means and what it could offer Poland as it seeks to develop its tourism sector. Polish speakers can access the whole article by following this link:

Responsible Tourism in Poland

I recently gave an interview to Rzeczpospolita online, the e-version of one of Poland’s leading daily newspapers. Journalist Anna Bugajska was keen to learn more about responsible tourism, what it means and what it could offer Poland as it seeks to develop its tourism sector. Polish speakers can access the whole article by following this link: